Present Chile

Blueberries: The second most exported Chilean fresh fruit during 2022

According to the latest report from the Office of Agricultural Studies and Policies (Odepa)

According to the latest report from the Office of Agricultural Studies and Policies (Odepa), blueberries are is the second most exported fresh fruit from Chile. In January, 34.500 tons were shipped abroad, equivalent to USD 164,7 million. Compared to January 2021, the value of the exported berry was reduced by 22%.

The Chilean blueberry season has faced the difficulties imposed by the pandemic. The maritime logistics problem has caused growers to carefully reduce blueberry exports, selecting only those that can withstand the longest journey time without losing quality or condition.

In addition, there is a shortage of labor in Chile, where state aid provided during the pandemic discouraged seasonal berry workers. Thirdly, a drought is affecting the country. Then there is the worldwide increase in the price of agricultural supplies. Even in the face of these difficulties, the Chilean producers’ union has faced these challenges in the best possible way, without diminishing the quality of the exported fruit.

Fuente: Fresh Plaza


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