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Find out about the characteristics of containers

Container Type Inside
de puerta

Contenedor High Cube 40'

LA 12,056 m 39'6 1/2"

AN 2,347 m 39'8 1/4"

AL 2,684 m 39' 61 1/2"

AN 20340 m 7' 8 "

AL 2,585 m 3' 53/4"

6.393 lbs.

2.684 cu.ft

29.600 Kg.

Contenedor para carga seca 40'

LA 12,056 m 39'6 1/2"

AN 2,347 m 39'8 1/4"

AL 2,684 m 39' 61 1/2"

AN 20340 m 7' 8 "

AL 2,585 m 3' 53/4"

6.393 lbs.

2.684 cu.ft

29.600 Kg.

*LA: Largo, AN: Ancho, AL: Alto
Los detalles de la capacidad están sujeto al peso de la misma y a las limitaciones de las carreteras aplicadas a cada estado o país.

Our Services

Insurance Management

We combine commercial and shipping business experience with specialized insurance lawyers.

Integral Service

The entire export operation in one hand, facilitating coordination and administrative processes.

Land Transportation

Integral management of all operational variables associated with the transport service, from processing plant, warehouse or packing to final destination

Maritime Transportation

We have a wide variety of alternatives of maritime routes to reach any destination in the world through the main shipping lines in the market.

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