Analysis Perú

Peruvian table grape production volume has increased, even though its production area hasn’t

In 2021, the National Agricultural Health Service (Senasa) certified 20,220 hectares of table grapes, i.e. 2.5% less than in the previous year.

“The area devoted to growing table grapes in Peru hasn’t grown, as we’ve had some 20,000 hectares since 2018 (20,636 ha). However, the production volume has increased considerably. The new varieties being planted have a better quality, higher production yields, and better prices in the market. What is happening in this industry is a reconversion of varieties, which allows us to increase exports both in value and in volume,” stated the president of the consulting firm Inform@cción, Fernando Cilloniz Benavides.

Ica was the region with the largest table grape area in 2021, reaching 9,448 ha, followed by Piura with 7,472 ha. Both regions account for 74% of the table grape area in Peru.

Traditional varieties’ share decrease
According to Cillóniz Benavides, the Red Globe continued to be the main table grape variety installed in Peru in 2021 with 4,495 hectares (5,244 ha in 2020), accounting for 47.6% of the total. “The Red Globe was the dominant variety but its share has been decreasing. Five years ago there were more than 7,354 hectares five years planted with this variety.”

It was followed by Sweet Globe with 3,330 hectares (2,850 ha in 2020), Crimson Seedless with 1,406 ha (1,974 ha in the previous year), Allison 1,322 ha (1,065 ha), Autumn Crisp 1,261 ha (658 ha), Superior Seedless 1,077 ha (1,492 ha in ha), Sweet Celebration 1,021 ha (1,130 ha), Timpson 802 ha (626 ha), Jacks Salute 765 ha (718 ha), and other varieties with 4,736 ha (4,987 ha).

“Since we are planting new grape varieties to replace the Red Globe, we have focused less on the Chinese market, which consumed a lot of this variety. We are focusing the new varieties to other markets, such as the United States and Europe,” Cilloniz added.

Fuente: Fresh Plaza


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